Starry background to the self-portrait
Digital self-portrait of Kate Frana
Digital self-portrait with a moon design overlay

Hello There!
Welcome to Franatic's Website.

Home of Franatic Art Design Illustration

Welcome to my art and design portfolio website! My name is Kate, but friends call me Franatic (or Fran for short). I’m a graphic designer, web wizard, and character artist. Check out my featured works below, or learn a little bit more about me. If you like what you see, let’s connect!

Graphic & Web Design

University of Silicon Valley

Website Design | Digital Advertising | Email Campaigns | Social Media Campaigns | Esports Jersey Design

J-Tech Institute

Website Design | Social Media Campaigns | Print Design

Rocky Mountain College of Art + Design

Website Design 

Forged PCs

Website Design | Social Media Campaigns

Celsius Marketing | Interactive

Website Design 

Illustration & Artwork

Personal Art | Commissions | Art Trades

Destiny 2 Pumpkin Carvings

Personal Sculptures

The Vanguard Dare

Personal Packaging Project 



Mythical Beasts and Where to Find Them

Book Arts