Figure Drawings

Figure and Gesture Drawings of Live Models

Below is assembled a collection of my figure and gesture drawings from college. These were produced in a studio environment with charcoal pencils, ink wash, and gouache on paper. The focus of these drawings is to learn the nuance of human anatomy through contour line drawing, value blocking, and light color theory. 

Due to financial struggles at the time, many drawings from different sessions will occupy the same sheet of paper. This occasionally creates interesting—if unintended—compositions. 

Figure drawing of a nude model inside a still life scene. The setting is hastily sketched in gestural charcoal strokes, but the model is rendered with volumetric layers of ink wash.
Nude self-portrait sitting in a chair.
Collage of three different figure drawings of the same nude male model. He is rotated in different directions in each scene, drawn into a different section of the paper. The bottom right corner shows a small drawing of him reclining on a green surface.
Collage of three figure drawings, all drawn from different angles on the same paper. Charcoal contour line drawing and ink wash rendering flesh them out.
Collage of two figure drawings on the same sheet of paper.
Two figure drawings showing two views of a reclining woman, from back and front. Charcoal contour line drawing, ink wash value blocking, and vibrant gouache colors attempt to flesh out her form.
Two different figure drawings of a male and female nude model sit side-by-side, rendered in charcoal line drawing, ink wash blocking, and a bit of gouache primary color on the female drawing.
Two figure drawings of the same model side-by-side in different poses, rendered in charcoal contour lines and ink wash value blocks.
Two drawings of a nude female model from different angles.
Two contour line drawings of two models overlapping.
Two overlapping contour line drawings of a male and female model.
Charcoal and ink wash drawing of a nude female model.
Two views of the same male nude model stand side-by-side on the same sheet of paper. In both poses, he is interacting with a podium.
Drawing of a nude male model rendered in charcoal pencil, ink wash, and gouache paint.
Collage of gesture drawings of students standing or sitting in various positions.
Two ink gesture drawings of students holding a rod, rendered in ink wash.
Three gesture drawings of students interacting with a stool, all rendered in ink wash.
Ink gesture drawing of an athletic student posing with a rod.