University of Silicon Valley

Join the Quest

Leveling Up this Technology & Game Design School with Powerful Upgrades

The University of Silicon Valley came to Celsius Marketing and our sister Flying Hippo in dire need of an assist. Their brand was bland, their website was wonky, and their lead generation was lousy. USV (formerly Cogswell Polytechnical College) needed a boost badly, and we built banging campaigns to keep them afloat while reconstructing their brand from the ground up, starting with a hot new logo and an awesome brand voice, and ending with a legendary website and landing pages. 

The undertaking of USV involved many teams working on various aspects of the brand’s development. My own contributions included spearheading the new website design, building matching landing pages, designing lead-nurturing email campaigns, creating exciting graphics for digital marketing and organic social media, and updating USV’s esports jerseys to reflect the new brand. I worked closely with the client to discover and resolve their desires, and alongside the other teams to bring this school to a victory royale.  

A Mecha samurai warrior wielding two swords, skating forward.